A new grant from the National Institutes of Health R13 mechanism will fund a meeting of cancer researchers across the California State Univeristy system this November.
The NIH-National Cancer Institute grant, to CSUN biologists Jonathan Kelber, Maria Elena de Bellard, Daniel Tamae, and David Bermudes, supports the virtual 2020 CSU-Interdisciplinary Cancer Meeting scheduled for November 6.
“It is very exciting that the National Cancer Institute has deemed this interdisciplinary cancer meeting worthy of their support,” said Kelber.
The California State University – Interdisciplinary Cancer Meeting (CSU-ICM) addresses central challenges in cancer research via a biennial, one-day symposium/conference designed to promote diversity across research disciplines, participant demographics and institutions while being grounded and guided by scientific leaders and cancer research experts. The overarching purpose of the CSU-ICM is to enhance interdisciplinary exchanges that generate innovative solutions to these central problems in cancer biology and enhance diversity within the oncology research community.
Registration for the meeting is currently open.
![CSU-ICM logo graphic
Friday Nov 6, 2020
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