ER doctor honors Biology professor Oppenheimer with scholarship fund
Over the summer, CSUN alumna Celina Barba-Simic made a gift to the CSUN College of Science and Mathematics to create the Dr. Celina Barba-Simic Biology Scholarship…
View More ER doctor honors Biology professor Oppenheimer with scholarship fundNutrient pollution exacerbates acidification damage to coral reefs
Assistant Professor of Biology Nyssa Silbiger and colleagues at the University of Hawaii Manoa published a study this June demonstrating that nutrient pollution — nitrate…
View More Nutrient pollution exacerbates acidification damage to coral reefsRogers Lab paper reviews the role of neural crest cells in development
The cover article of the September/October issue of the journal WIREs Developmental Biology is a review by Assistant Professor of Biology Crystal Rogers and colleague Shuyi…
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