Colloquium: Bronstein on how different species evolve to cooperate

Dr. Bronstein (

The Spring 2024 Biology Colloquium Series continues this Friday with a seminar by Judith Bronstein, University Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. Dr. Bronstein studies mutually beneficial interactions between species, like plant-pollinator relationships, and how cooperative relationships remain functional despite . Her talk, presented with support of the BEER club and the Distinguished Visiting Speaker program, will be titled “Mutualism: What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go From Here?”.

Colloquium series seminars are held Fridays at 2pm in Chaparral Hall room 5122. Dr. Bronstein will be available after the seminar to meet with students during a “Meet the Speaker” reception, with light refreshments, in Chaparral Hall 5201.