Colloquium: Akopyan explains how little fish evolved big resistance to toxic pollution

Dr. Akopyan (personal website)

The Spring 2024 Biology Colloquium Series continues this Friday with a seminar by Maria Akopyan, a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology at USC. Dr. Akopyan earned her Master’s degree with CSUN Biology, working with Associate Professor Jeanne Robertson, and went on to doctoral research at Cornell University. She’ll discuss that doctoral research on the evolution of resistance to toxic pollution in Atlantic silverside fishes, in a talk titled “Evolutionary inference in natural populations of non-model organisms using species-specific genomic resources”.

Colloquium series seminars are held Fridays at 2pm in Chaparral Hall room 5122. Dr. Akopyan will meet with students interested in discussing doctoral research and the process of applying for graduate school in an open-ended meeting sponsored by the BEER Club from 11am to noon in Chaparral Hall 5102, and she will be available after the seminar to meet with students during a “Meet the Speaker” reception, with light refreshments, in Chaparral Hall 5201.