Here’s how to watch Biology students’ presentations in the 2022 online CSUNposium

In yet another primarily online semester, the annual CSUNposium showcase of student research and creative work has gone virtual, with student research talks presented over Zoom platform. As in more normal years, Biology Department graduate and undergraduate researchers are well represented in the online CSUNposium.

Here’s a rundown of students who are giving 3- or 10-minute talks in the 2022 CSUNposium, organized by Biology Department specialty areas and scheduled start times, with links to the Zoom sessions:

Genetics & Development

  • 9:15 AM — Undergraduate researcher Sierra Clarke will present work with Drs. Cindy Malone and Agnes Lukaszewicz, “Monitoring Hypoxia Using Immunofluorescent Imaging of HIF-1α and 8-OHdG as Controls for a Wider Hematopoietic Stem Cell Detection Assay” — Zoom link
  • 9:30 AM — Graduate students Jocelyn Coreas and Michelle Bonilla will present work with Dr. Mariano Loza-Coll, “Characterization of inheritance of ethanol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster” — Zoom link
  • 9:54 AM — Graduate student Michelle Alcantara will present work with Dr. Yoshie Hanzawa, “The Regulatory Interactions of Flowering Genes within the Circadian Clock Network of Glycine max” — Zoom link
  • 10:00 AM — Undergraduate researchers Ithan Cano and Aaron Lemus will present work with Dr. Mariano Loza-Coll, “The crosstalk between two master genes ESG and STAT, in intestinal stem cells in drosophila melanogaster.” — Zoom link
  • 10:30 AM — Undergraduate researcher Aleksander Bogoniewski will present work with Dr. Cindy Malone, “Generation and Analysis of Cerebral Organoids from Autism Patients with Germline PTEN Mutation and Macrocephaly” — Zoom link
  • 12:30 PM — Graduate student Victor Gutierrez-Garcia will present work with Dr. Cindy Malone, “Characterization of POLR3B Promoter Region, a Differentially Expressed Gene in Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma.” — Zoom link
  • 12:30 PM — Graduate student Armen Khanbabaei will present work with Dr. Mariano Loza-Coll, “In silico analysis of transcriptional regulation for 16 experimentally validated downstream targets of Esg and Stat in D. melanogaster intestinal stem cells” — Zoom link
  • 12:45 PM — Graduate student Vivian Vy Le will present work with Dr. Ray Hong, “cGMP signaling regulates salt preferences in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus” — Zoom link
  • 1:00 PM — Undergraduate researcher Alessandra Serrano will present work with Dr. Cindy Malone, “Characterizing the Promoter Region of the Forkhead Box R1 Gene” — Zoom link
  • 1:15 PM — Graduate student Cynthia Petrossian will present work with Dr. Mariano Loza-Coll, “Effects of manipulating downstream targets of two master regulators of intestinal stem cells in the Drosophila melanogaster posterior midgut” — Zoom link
  • 1:30 PM — Graduate student Matt Wallace will present work with Drs. Jonathan Kelber, Mariano Loza Coll, and Melissa Takahashi, “Proteomic Analysis of α1 Integrin-Dependent Adhesion Complexes in Pancreatic Cancer Identifies Targets for Chemotherapy Sensitization” — Zoom link
  • 1:45 PM — Undergraduate researcher Jessica Pacheco will present work with Dr. Rheem Medh, “Crosstalk between PI3K/AKT and RCAN1 pathways in susceptibility of breast cancer cell lines to apoptosis.” — Zoom link

Ecology & Evolution

  • 9:00 AM — Undergraduate researcher Natalie Castillo will present work with Dr. Robert Espinoza, “Can differences in life-history strategies explain the invasion success of Brown Widow spiders in Southern California?” — Zoom link
  • 9:00 AM — Graduate student Shane Jordan will present work with Dr. Paula Schiffman, “Microclimatic Refugia of Disjunct Chaparral Relicts in the Mojave Desert” — Zoom link
  • 9:15 AM — Graduate student Rennie McIntosh will present work with Dr. Fritz Hertel, “Effects of avian foraging competition on the behavior of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura)” — Zoom link
  • 9:30 AM — Graduate student Gloria Arellano will present work with Dr. Casey terHorst, “Mini Stress-Relievers: How Beneficial Soil Bacteria Can Help Predict Plant Invasion Success” — Zoom link
  • 9:40 AM — Graduate student Florine Pascal will present work with Dr. Jeanne Robertson, “Colors, Patterns, and Speciation: Exploring a Contact Zone” — Zoom link
  • 9:45 AM — Graduate student Sean Farmer will present work with Dr. Robert E. Espinoza, “Does evaporative water loss limit the range of the paradoxically rare Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) in Southern California?” — Zoom link
  • 9:48 AM — Graduate student Shanelle Wikramanayake will present work with Dr. Jeanne Robertson, “Using genetic simulation models to assess the effects of mate-choice and epistasis on speciation of divergent inter-specific populations” — Zoom link
  • 10:10 AM — Graduate student Jasmine Hamilton will present work with Drs. Cheryl Courtney-Hogue, Gilberto Flores and Casey terHorst, “Characterization of flatfish gut microbial communities, parasitic infection levels, and health indices across a gradient of wastewater effluent exposure in Santa Monica Bay” — Zoom link
  • 12:30 PM — Undergraduate researcher Nicole Bisente will present work with Dr. Robert Espinoza, “Climatically correlated morphological variation among invasive populations of Mediterranean House Geckos across the USA” — Zoom link

Marine Biology

  • 8:30 AM — Graduate student Benjamin Chubak will present work with Dr. Mark Steele, “Evaluating the Impact of a Marine Heatwave on the Condition, Growth, Reproduction, and Diet of a Temperate Reef Fish” — Zoom link
  • 8:45 AM — Graduate student Jessica Peria will present work with Dr. Mark Steele, “Seasonal Movement of Giant Sea Bass (Stereolepis gigas) Within the Southern California Bight” — Zoom link
  • 9:00 AM — Graduate student Kiran Reed will present work with Dr. Mark Steele, “Visual Giant Sea Bass Predator Cue Affects Behavior of Smaller Predatory Fishes” — Zoom link
  • 9:15 AM — Graduate student Emily Wilson will present work with Drs. Kerry Nickols and Mark Steele, “Effects of estuarine eelgrass and oyster habitats on associated zooplankton assemblages and larval supply” — Zoom link
  • 9:42 AM — Graduate student Olivia Diehl will present work with Dr. Robert Carpenter, “Investigating the interactive effects of herbivory and water flow on the morphology and metabolic rates of non-calcifying marine macroalgae” — Zoom link
  • 9:55 AM — Graduate student Kaela Tyler will present work with Dr. Robert Carpenter, “In situ investigation of multiple variable stressors on Lithophyllum kotschyanum physiology” — Zoom link
  • 10:00 AM — Graduate student Alyssa Cohen will present work with Dr. Robert Carpenter, “Coral-Macroalgae Phase Shifts: Habitat-Specific Characteristics and Herbivory Lead to Changes in Dominance” — Zoom link


  • 8:30 AM — Graduate student Amanda Di Maso will present work with Drs. Cristian Ruiz Rueda and Dana Harmon, “Characterizing the Physiological Role of TolC Efflux Pump Mutants in E. coli” — Zoom link
  • 8:45 AM — Graduate student Barbara Czarnecka will present work with Drs. Cristian Ruiz Rueda, “Role of the AcrR transcription factor as a global regulator of metabolism in Escherichia coli” — Zoom link
  • 9:54 AM — Undergraduate researcher Vanessa Tamayo will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “Strain level variation in the interactions between the human gut microbiome and bile acids by human- associated Akkermansia” — Zoom link
  • 10:06 AM — Graduate student Jessica Hunter will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “Establishing a Genetic System for Akkermansia muciniphila” — Zoom link
  • 12:45 PM — Graduate student Andriu Kavanagh will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “Investigating Siderophore Production in Akkermansia muciniphila” — Zoom link
  • 1:15 PM — Undergraduate researcher Kit Cheung will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “Understanding interactions between Akkermansia muciniphila and Bifidobacterium bifidum, key members of the human gut microbiome.” — Zoom link
  • 1:15 PM — Graduate student Allea Cauilan will present work with Dr. Cristian Ruiz Rueda, “Identification of Endogenous Substrates of the AcrAB-TolC Multidrug Efflux Pump of Escherichia coli Using Fluorescence Polarization” — Zoom link
  • 1:30 PM — Undergraduate researcher Stephanie Hartel will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “Akkermansia muciniphila isolates reveal phenotypic difference when grown on Lacto-N-tetraose, an abundant sugar in human breast milk” — Zoom link
  • 1:45 PM — Undergraduate researcher Oscar Juvera will present work with Dr. Gilberto Flores, “In vitro interactions between Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Akkermansia muciniphila under mucin growth conditions” — Zoom link

Molecular, Cellular, & Physiological Biology

  • 12:30 PM — Undergraduate researcher Luke Tomaneng will present work with Dr. Jonathan Kelber, “Examining the Effect of RAI14 on Cell State Profile in Pancreatic Cancer” — Zoom link
  • 12:45 PM — Undergraduate researcher Ranel Tuplano will present work with Dr. Jonathan Kelber, “Fibronectin Exposes a Targetable eIF5A1/2/SLC3A2 Vulnerability that can be Leveraged to Decrease Cytoplasmic Levels of eIF5A1/2 and Proliferation/Survival in TNBC” — Zoom link
  • 1:00 PM — Undergraduate researcher Jane Cox will present work with Dr. Jonathan Kelber, “The Role of LCN2 in Mediating Premetastatic Breast Cancer Progression” — Zoom link
  • 1:15 PM — Undergraduate researcher Audrey Todd will present work with Dr. Jonathan Kelber, “The Effect of EGTA on PDAC 3D Tumor Spheroid Formation and Cancer Profiles” — Zoom link
  • 1:45 PM — Graduate students Albert Aquino and Audrey Todd will present work with Dr. Jonathan Kelber, “3D Tumorsphere Studies to Identify New Regulators of PDAC Progression” — Zoom link

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