Colloquium: Garcia on building a research career at Hispanic-serving institutions

Dr. Gina Garcia

This week the Biology Colloquium seminar series features Dr. Gina Garcia, from the Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy at the University of Pittsburgh, as a guest of the MARC program. Garcia studies equity and justice in higher education, and she received her Bachelor’s degree from CSUN before going on to graduate programs at the University of Maryland, College Park, and UCLA, and postdoctoral fellowships from the Ford Foundation and the National Academy of Education. Her seminar, titled "From student to researcher: My journey with Hispanic serving institutions" will relate her own educational experiences to her research findings.

Because CSUN has suspended large in-person meetings to help slow the transmission of the novel coronavirus, this week’s Colloquium will be presented by videoconference on the Zoom service. You can watch the presentation on Friday at 2pm via this meeting link, with passcode Biology490. (Following the link may prompt the installation of the Zoom app in order to display video.)