San Diego skyline at night (Flickr: John Sisti Photograpy

Rogers, Manohar, and Kelber to present in ASCB annual meeting in San Diego

CSUN Biology faculty and students are in San Diego, California, for the 2018 American Society of Cell Biology Meeting.  

Assistant Professor of Biology Crystal Rogers is giving a microsymposium talk on a project started at CSUN by alumnus Alberto Camacho (class of ‘17) and continued by current grad student Subrajaa Manohar. Manohar will also present a poster on the project. The talk and poster are titled “Cadherin-11 is required for the specification and survival of neural crest cells”. Earlier the same morning, Rogers will join Professor of Biology Jonathan Kelber in a panel discussion on “How to thrive as a new faculty member”, which Kelber organized for the meeting.

The panel discussion will take place at 9:00 am today in the Learning Center, Theater 3; Rogers’s talk will be at 11:10 am in Room 30B.

Image: San Diego skyline at night (Flickr: John Sisti Photography)