Month: April 2021
Colloquium: Hogue on an aquatic host-parasite pair
Colloquium: Karginov on gene regulation after transcription
CSUN Dreamers scholarships offer support for undocumented students
The CSUN Dream Center is soliciting applications for a number of scholarships for the coming academic year that are either specific to or have preference…
View More CSUN Dreamers scholarships offer support for undocumented studentsColloquium: Snyder on how genomics and individualized data can make medicine “personal”
Here’s how to watch Biology students’ presentations in the 2021 online CSUNposium
NIH grant funds five years of undergraduate research experiences at CSUN
The National Institutes of Health has awarded five years of support, totaling more than $2.8 million, for a new program providing undergraduate research experiences in…
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